Reconnecting by sharing our memories

Read through your classmates stories and share your own in the form at the bottom of the page

“Marillac High School taught us feminism as well as humanism in a time when it was not expected nor was it necessarily popular and, as always for the blue and green, avante gard! I don't know what I cherish more, my memories of "growing up" LDM as a student or teaching my young women students to grow into the incredible beings we always knew they'd be! Marillac High School! A unique place, forward and independent thinking! You can do it all attitude! God bless the Daughters, our gifted teachers and our co creative students! Hey hey LDM!!!”

Joanne Kennedy (Conenna), Class of ‘73


“Marillac treated me as person not a number and that is what I needed at the time.”

Tricia Baxter (Burke), Class of ‘89


“Through the narrow streets of Paris, came the footsteps of a woman named Louise. We still sing our Marillac song when our high school friends get together. We are "forever friends" through our Marillac.”

Judi Ronan (Bladowski), Class of ‘72


“Our family had to leave for almost a year to live in Malaysia towards the end of Junior year. What an incredible welcome I got when I returned for the 2nd semester of Senior year! I fondly remember Daddy-Daughter dances, and especially winning the Polka competition! (nope, not Polish) I remember writing for IMPACT, wearing bandanas, "accidentally" getting your locker door slammed, dancing for shows, especially Senior Thank You Day, and when our whole class wore the letter "A" to "surprise" Sister since we had finished reading the Scarlet Letter. I still love several special young women that made my 4 years there memorable!”

Martha Styer (Vargas), Class of ‘78


“Sharon Brown's awesome decorated birthday cakes which were shared with the homeroom on birthdays. I still can't walk past the Wilton cake decorating section of Michaels or JoAnns without thinking of Sharon, Marillac and those cakes!”

Jeani Lewis (Hoffman), Class of ‘86


“I remember Sr. Cyrillia working endlessly in the garden. She was so small that you had to hang on to her so she didn't blow away in high winds. I remember the day we had a streaker run all the way around the school. We all, (including the Sisters), were glued to the Windows watching him run down the back road that connected the two buildings! Endless hours in the Student Center. The junior ring ceremony. We had some of the best masses too. It truly was a time where friendships formed and the Sisters were so dedicated and cared. I loved my time at Marillac! Have fun and will miss seeing you all!”

Beth Kelly (Westenberger), Class of ‘78


“Best memory was of the Father/Daughter dances.”

Mary Lou Scussel, Class of ‘78


“I have so many fond memories from Marillac: Dance recitals, Musicals at Marillac and Notre Dame, Marian club … hanging at the student center, senior open campus and having lunch at that Greek Deli etcetera … All the extracurricular activities plus the school life with the freedom to be a responsible young adult shaped me in many ways. My most fond memory of Marillac is however the lasting friendships that I have made! I have a small collections of "Marillac Friends" that I still consider as "best friends". Although I live in Switzerland these women are my home anchor and are really a part of my family. Thank you Marillac High School.”

Susan Hochstrasser (Hoenig), Class of ‘78


“NufYad, aluminum foil covered album covers, ICC, theater, those green gym rompers, literary magazine, peppermint flavored brownies, our in between class breaks in the cafeteria and out back, trips out sneaking out for lunch, our field trips, chapel, Halloween costumes, a trip to the beach before school, watching Romeo and Juliet and the Scarlet Letter for English class … But most of all, our religion classes where I was taught for the first time to not just accept, but to question and really think about not only my faith, but everything around me-my values, family and friends, current events and what was really important in life to me. I LOVED and will always love my 4 years there where the foundation of who I am was nurtured there. Marillac made me grow up and blossom into my being.”

Marilou Pugatch (Livas), Class of ‘81

Share your memories with the Marillac Community!

Memories will be shared at the Coming Home Legacy launch event in April, as well as in emails to alumnae and posted on the site.