Thank you for helping reconnect our Marillac community! If you can provide contact information for anyone on this list, simply fill in the form at the bottom of the page and hit the submit button. For cost and environment reasons, our preference is a current email, but any and all fields you can fill in are greatly appreciated.

Name / Maiden Name

Victoria A. Bolger / Bolger

Nicole M. Catalano / Catalano

Diane R. Ceisel / Ceisel

Su Choi / Choi

Elizabeth A. Cline / Cline

Megan E. Collins / Collins

Luciana R. Dambra / Dambra

Marjorie C. Diaz / Diaz

Nancy J. Detlefsen / Doherty

Daneen D. Fitzpatrick / Fitzpatrick

Michelle Friedman / Friedman

Kellie A. Halihan / Halihan

Carla Jaime / Jaime

Maria I. Jaime / Jaime

Michelle L. Kawamoto / Kawamoto

Margaret M. Killackey / Killackey

Tracy L. Konior / Konior

Lena A. Kubba / Kubba

Michelle A. Wawczak / Michaels

Lauren C. Misale / Misale

Kara D. Niekrasz / Niekrasz

Kathleen M. O'Malley / O'Malley

Katherine A. Ozar / Ozar

Jeanne Petosa / Petosa

Tania R. Phillips / Phillips

Amy M. Poland / Poland

Marie A. Rodriguez / Rodriguez

Jennifer J. Lau / Ryan

Jennifer J. Savino / Savino

Kristen Schaefer / Schaefer

Kathleen E. Schmidt / Schmidt

Christine L. Bail / Szpicki

Terese N. Turney / Turney

Amy L. Walsh / Walsh

Mary K. Sealund / Zinchuk